Sunday, November 23, 2014

On to plan B....

My idea to have another nursing mom to foster Atom2 failed... He wasn't interested in nursing and she wasn't interested in volunteering... 

Now onto plan B - having Atom2 room with the twins and hope this helps him developmentally... 

I have just spent 3 hours putting up corrugated cardboard around the sides of my office so that he cannot climb into a nook or cranny that I cannot readily see him or find him... He is the size of a mouse and I'm an old lady with a bad back and bad knees... The sugar babies about gave me a heart attack one night when they went underneath a shelf and I could not get to them... Been there, done that, had the heart attack... Not going there again...

The photos were so cute of Atom2 acclimating himself with the other two small pups (each 3 and 3.5 pounds accordingly), that I had to make a slideshow out of them... 

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